Friday, 8 April 2011


fuhh keje belambak2 dekat opis...bole di katakan mcm sarang tak terurus...hahahahhahha....pening2.....

ngan dokumen ilang bb pc prob...(spe la ska sgt dok bka nie???,,,,hurmmm)hahahahha sape yg makan cili rase pedas bekali-kali ganda...hahahahhahaha geram sy...huhuhuhuhuuh wat keje xbole.....

yang paling geram dah wat credit card nye sale sampai buan 4 then ilang....ishhhh...nie mendatangkan marah nie...hahahahhahah........(marah la sgt...)hehehehhe

tp nk wat mcm ne kene la wat dr awal....w'pun dah 7 haribulan .......huhhhh...pasnie save an ciap2 kt 1 file...senang.....hahahahahha

lepas tu customer xberhenti2 dtg...kuar 1 dtg 1....kua 2...dtg 10...issshhh(2 bg gempak je xde pown dtg ampai 10) mm lth...hahahahahha

tp xmengapa...rezeki ALLAH S.W.T. nk bg...alhamdulilah...hehehehehe moga2 dpt lbh cikit la bln nie.hehehehehe amin..amin...amin.....

esk keje kene buat lg byk...asenye opi pown mcm dah x terator..hahahahaha tp xpe...kami berdua bole bekea keras cikit..w'pun pnat cikit...hope worth it...hihihihihih

last word....aja aja fight.....chayok!!!!!.......hheeheheheheh
wish both of us good luck in tis month....miss ecah u better come early okay...we cannot handle alone...huhuhuhuhhuhu(ngah wat mka cian nie)hahahahahahhahah

peace to the world no war......!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hahahhaa ! ala cian...tak pasal2 kena buat balik ek..

    sabar je buat kerja tu noh..

    Insha allah takde ape, Ecah dtg awal k.. You both can do it! if anything, just ring me! ;)
