Wednesday 19 October 2011

dah malam laa....!!!!

dah malam pown sempat agy wat blog..

nie pown baru abis wat asignment yg berlambak2...

dah nak final baru lah belambak asignment..
kelas ganti la...
final project....

fuhh..letih2 mcm nie...evrytime nk final msti kene mcm nie
(hurmmm xbest tol..hahaha pdhal mmg malas wat asgnment..hahahaha)

anyway..skang jam sy menunjukkan kul 2 pagi...
but thanks to GOD kelas esk start kul 11...
betapa seronok nye bagun lewat...
(ank dara jenis nie mmg malas cikit bgn pagi..hahahhaa)

ok..nyte2..c u next morning..hahaha
(ape yg di taip pown xtau la..)

sweet dream.....

Tuesday 18 October 2011

today's news...

today wat happen to me...

only GOD and me know....

sumtime life is about make a lot of mistake,
and learn from mistake.....

and sumtime life is about war to your own heart.....

and sumtime life is about knowing thing all gonna be all right....

and 4 me....

life is like a a film...and so on..hehehe

so live ur life like a normal people living a normal life..hehehehe

and my last word........

ACT like normal...don't stress out when thing not right....

ok bye for now...i wanna go to sleep....

Nighty night every one.....

Sunday 2 October 2011

semi final game...

semi final game ari ahad..

hari nie laa...
dah maen sungguh tp kalah gak...
isshh xphm laa.... xpe....

we have try our best...

akhirnye kami pulang dgn membawa..kaki bengkak,
kaki lebam...seliuh....patah...

tu je la...hehehe
tp game arinie sewonok....hehehe