ismi nur sakinah suhaimi...(tibe nk ckp arab..hehe) so confius...
actually..dh start confius dr smlm...
actually sbnrnye dh stat confius lme...cme xambk port sgt ke konfiusan nie..
okay..cite nye..
berbunyi begini...(mcm nk wat bookstory plak...hihihi)
sy n seowg lelaki nie...berkawan..
sy bekwn mcm biase la...sbb sy tau lelaki nie bkn jnis serius...
tp citenye...kdg2 cite tu jd mcm serius...
tp..ntah...xtau nk cye k x...
mcm btol..mcm x...
xtau mne 1 yg tu mmmmmmmaaaaalllllllaaaaassss ssssgggggttt22222.....
nk ambk port...hehehehehe
tp bke thing happen..
sometime feel like it a true thing...
sometime i feel...he put it for joke only...
xtau la...
sy xmncri..bia la ia slow2 dtg...
sy berdoa siang malam supaya beri petunjuk.....
sy xtau mne yg btol mne yg maen2...
HOPE jgn sngkut....
tkot yg terkecewa...hahahaha
so...nur sakinah....jgn mudah pengaruh...
jgn mudah sgt ambil jln mudah...
jgn mudah sgt nk mudah...
p/s : for not so easily trust and believe such thing...dream can happen in light day...n dream is a game of sleep....
GOOD NIGHT too my BABA, my IBU, my ALONG, my ADIK and too my MEMEY, my BAM2,TAM2,BUBU....
miss u all so much...
ALLAH please tke cre of my family and me also...
give bless to my family...stay away from dangerous and malapetaka...
and give me a clue...amin....